Yoga Therapist, Yoga Teacher
“Yoga, and sharing this gift with others, has been among the greatest gifts of my life, and at the heart of my own healing journey.” – Andrea Sachetti
Andrea Sacchetti is a Yoga Therapist certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapists (C-IAYT), and a registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance at the highest level (E-RYT 500),and is a provider of continuing education to registered Yoga Teachers (YACEP).
Since 2005 she has been adapting Yoga for individual students and specific populations, with safety, wellness and healing as the highest priorities. In addition to offering Yoga Therapy sessions and group yoga and meditation classes, she designs and provides advanced training for yoga teachers. She taught yoga for a number of years in various Cancer Wellness programs, and to incarcerated boys and girls through the New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission. Among her specializations are auto-immune challenges, chronic pain, anxiety, and bone density.
Andrea began her formal training in 2004 with Jaime Stover Schmitt, EdD; and is grateful to have been able to deepen her knowledge and experience with other extraordinary teachers including: Sri Srivatsa Ramaswami; Timothy McCall, MD; Sri Rama Ramanathan; Swami Veda Bharati; and Swami Maheshananda Saraswati. Andrea’s Comprehensive Yoga Therapy training was with Yoga Life Institute. In 2017, she spent three weeks in Bangalore, India, at the I-AIM Ayurvedic Center on a Yoga and Ayurveda Intensive. In 2019 she traveled with her honored teacher Swami Mahesh in Nepal and Tibet on a pilgrimage to Mount Kailash in the Himalayas. Also in 2019, she was able to study and immerse herself for some days at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama in Rishikesh, India, the ashram founded and led by Swami Veda Bharati until his passing in 2015. In addition to the yoga training, Andrea obtained her BA in Religion, magna cum laude, from Duke University.
Based in Princeton, New Jersey, USA, Andrea can be reached at YogaCalling@gmail.com